The 15 Hottest WWE Divas In World

These are about the hottest WWE Divas inward my feeling, and so while some may disagree with the choices, they are mine alone.Also, don't be offended about where they land, there is no ranking here. No one is number one. These are the hottest 15 women of all time in the WWE. This is not counting developmental talent.

Coming from Florida, she is a former science teacher. Imagine how that class would have been. She has a masters degree from Florida State, and is a former Women's Champion. She is also the co-Women's Champion now.

It was said Mickie James was set to be made fun of by Lay-Cool for her weight, because she wasn't a rail like she once was. James was always one of the most real women in the WWE, never really caring what the WWE thought in some way. She went out, performed well, and that was that.

Another Southern woman, from Richmond, Virgina, James is one of the best WWE Divas of all time and one of the hottest. Beautiful Tiffany, from the get go she caught the attention with her looks and charm. She is married to the Scottish Drew McIntyre.

Most of us are in agreement that Kelly Kelly is just plain hot. Her smile and her personality making it smoothly. She has legs and she knows how to use them.

She has never been a champion in the WWE, but she was one heck of a manager. She is still one of the tallest Divas to ever grace the WWE stage, and for that, we remember her or maybe we do for pictures like these.

The former Women's Champion has done a lot in and out of the WWE. One being Playboy. She gained weight, which wasn't much in my opinion, then the WWE took her off TV until she went back to the gym. Candice then decided to say in an interview that she wanted to leave when her contract came up, so the WWE released her shortly after.

Candice was and still is very hot. She has had a child since leaving the WWE. I say, "Go!" to who ever that baby daddy was.

The current WWE Women's Champion, well co-champion, whatever they want to call it, is one hot momma. She is from England originally, but also spent time cheering for the Miami Heat before making her way to the WWE.

The other half of Lay-Cool has a bright future ahead, and is getting famous for her flexibility. Which can only be good, correct?

This very hot individual is Brook Adams, someone many may have forgotten. Along with Layla and Kelly Kelly, she helped to make up Extreme Expose.

And you can now see her in TNA playing the Miss Teshmacher character, who is a secretary for Eric Bischoff. All We can say is DANG! when we see her.

Obviously someone who was going to make the list, Torrie Wilson is one of the hottest women ever to grace the WWE. She was in WCW for just a short while before the buy out, and the WWE loved her, so they kept her around.

She never won a title in the WWE, but graced Playboy twice and was one of the highest paid women the WWE ever had. She really was a crowd-pleaser.

A former Women's Champion, and the first ever DIVA the WWE ever had, Sable has really made a name for herself in the wrestling world. She retired, then came back, and was just as hot.

She is more famous now for being Brock Lesnar's wife, but she will always be remembered as the hot vixen, Sable.

The former Playboy cover girl was a favorite in the WWE.

She was always seen as the ditsy redhead, and she even had blond hair for a small time. Oh, but Maria is no ditsy woman in real life. She is one of the hotter women the WWE has ever had, want people to always remember her, even if she wasn't a talented wrestler.

One of the most popular Divas today has to be Eve. She is a former Diva's Champion and I feel she is a great athlete who will make waves in the WWE for years.

She can wrestle, has mic skills, and looks. If that ain't a top diva I don't know what is. Another very popular Diva of today has to be Maryse. She is a French Canadian and former Playboy model.

She made her way to the WWE a few years ago and has been a top Diva pretty much since the start. She is also a former Diva's Champion and may be the Diva equivalent of Randy Orton, as she gets face pops a lot.

Lita is a former multi-time Women's Champion and was considered one of the top Divas, wrestling-wise, ever in the WWE. She has also been one of the hottest women ever in the WWE too.

She got even hotter when she teamed up with Edge, and one of her most legendary moments was when her boob popped out in a live sex scene on a LIVE WWE RAW.

She may always be remembered for that, but her career was always something to watch. And she's not bad to look at either.

No list of the hottest WWE Divas would be complete without Trish Stratus.

Like Lita, she is a multi-time Women's Champion and is smokin hot! She has never done a nude pictorial and continues to pride herself on making us guess, which may be why we men are so drawn to her.

She was the best Diva of all time, as voted by the fans, and she is still hot and in good shape this very day. She has even said she may come back if the WWE would use her in a big way.

She is the hottest female wrestler, of any company, in the history of mankind. Some may feel different, but let her pictures speak for it self.